Listen to the podcast Sunday morning: education of the future

Agnieszka Olszewska, the headmaster of Edison School, talked about "Education of the Future" and educational activity at RDC (Radio dla Ciebie)
We invite you to hear!

rdc podcast

Sunday Morning: "Magiczna Konwalia"

The 5th Warsaw Festival of Pre-school Theaters "Magiczna Konwalia". Beata Jewiarz's guests were the theater teachers of the winning groups: Małgorzata Krej, Agnieszka Peplińska and Agata Szymczykiewicz.
We invite you to hear

IMG 4522

The 25th anniversary of free elections

Who are you? Little Pole!

We are testing books with the reviewer Anna Dziewit-Meller

Culinary workshops


Preschooler Little Pole - a visit to the PW Museum


ul. Królewicza Jakuba 71
Warszawa – Wilanów

tel: 22 642 28 82
tel: 728 588 636

